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with a vision and passion for Christian athletics.
Passion in Play Referral Program
Free athletic equipment, school membership, and
participation in camps, clinics, and tournaments
are available to schools who participate! |
Our Christian athletic magazine,
published periodically throughout each year, includes: |
Feature Articles
A Christ-centered athletic challenge and encouragement
to coaches, athletic directors, athletes, and families |
Into the Light
Recognition of teams, athletes, coaches, athletic directors, and
outstanding athletic programs |
Coaches' Corner
Advice, tips, drills, and assistance for coaches of all
sports -- presented by experienced coaches |
Community Focus
Tools to challenge and partner with schools who desire
to serve and impact their local communities |
Upcoming Events
News of
regional and
tournaments, sports camps, coaching clinics,
and more |
In Perspective
Thought-provoking and entertaining short articles
presented by college coaches and responding readers |
Getting Involved
What future plans does NCSAA have in store? Stay
up-to-date and get your school involved! |
Special Offers
...and much more! |