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Tournament Sponsorship All-American Sponsorship

Sponsors and Partners


NCSAA Corporate Partnership


NCSAA Corporate Partners obtain the right to bid first on NCSAA business, as well as obtain our valued referral to Christian schools across the country.

To express interest in becoming an NCSAA Corporate Partner, CLICK HERE to access an interest form -- or call us at 724-846-2764.


Currently NCSAA is seeking the following Corporate Partners:


Official NCSAA Uniforms Partner

Official NCSAA Insurance Partner

Official NCSAA Office Supplies Partner

Official NCSAA Sports Equipment Partner

Official NCSAA Game Ball Partners


NCSAA Corporate Partners receive the opportunity to present special offers to our members,

as well as various other valuable marketing and advertising opportunities (see below).


To view a list of current NCSAA Corporate Partners and special offers, CLICK HERE.



2008-09 NCSAA Corporate Partnership Information


The National Christian School Athletic Association (a non-profit organization serving Christian schools and athletic  programs nationwide) is currently seeking to select companies as Official NCSAA Partners in the categories listed above.


Each NCSAA Official Partner will receive:

· Referrals to all NCSAA member schools as the preferred company of NCSAA

· Partnership portal via NCSAA web site — set up to refer business directly to you

· First rights to NCSAA business

· First rights to NCSAA event and program sponsorship opportunities


NCSAA will select the company that  offers the best combination of:

· Quality product / pricing / discounts to NCSAA Member Schools

· Quality product / pricing / discounts to meet NCSAA’s needs

· Additional offers to NCSAA (gift certificates, complimentary product, additional services, etc.)

· Willingness to consider future involvement with NCSAA programs and events


Our choice will be identify the company that is most willing to serve the needs of NCSAA and our Member Schools by offering the best combination of service, pricing, and promise for ongoing relationship.


In order to receive more information about developing a relationship with NCSAA as an Official Partner, please CLICK HERE to access and submit an interest form.  We will send you a copy of the NCSAA Partnership Proposal Guidelines, and will contact you to answer any questions and supply additional information.  Thank you!

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