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NCSAA Member School Renewal Form

2009-10 School Year


Please complete and submit this simple form in order to renew your NCSAA membership for the 2009-10 school year.  This will allow us to get your member packet (including all of this year's Wellspring of Life Initiative materials) in the mail to you right away.


Because the NCSAA web site is currently undergoing a major redesign (and the new site will be launched within the next couple of weeks), this form will give us only the information we need to send your packet right away -- and when the new NCSAA website is ready, we will send you directions by which to go online and create your user account for the new site.


Thanks...We'll get your packet out to you as soon as you submit the form.


Name of school:         




City:                    State:                    Zip Code:         


Athletic Director:                Athletic Director's E-mail Address:         


How many Wellspring of Life Initiative booklets do you need us to send to you?

One benefit of your NCSAA membership is the receipt of the Wellspring of Life Initiative program -- a set of season-long "coaching curriculums" that allow you to challenge your athletes in their relationship with God, in the midst of athletics.  Each year includes three different Wellspring program booklets -- one for each of your sports seasons that year.

As part of your membership for the 2009-10 school year, we'll send one of each booklet (Program Overview, Teachable Spirit, Humility, Leadership) to each member school.  However, your coaches will be able to use the program more effectively with their teams if they each have their own booklet.

Please indicate how many additional booklets (beyond one of each, which you receive free with membership) you'd like us to send to you.  Please add $3 to your membership for each extra booklet that you request.  (We offer these to you "at-cost," meaning that you pay only what it costs us to have them printed.)


Program Overview Booklet (recommended for all coaches): 

Teachable Spirit (recommended for all fall coaches): 

Humility (recommended for all winter coaches): 

Leadership (recommended for all spring coaches): 


Our school hereby renews our NCSAA membership for the 2009-10 school year.

Online "Signature" of Athletic Director or Head Administrator (Enter your initials):     

(Your initials here indicate your commitment and agreement to the statement above.)


Membership rate: $150 per year (plus $3 per Wellspring booklet you indicated above)


Terms of payment:  I will be submitting our membership payment (by check) ASAP.
   Please send us an invoice (bill) for our payment.
   Terms of payment have been settled alternatively with NCSAA.


If you will be mailing your payment (checks made payable to NCSAA), please send it to:



     2105 Clayton Road

     Beaver Falls, PA  15010


When you have completed this entire form, press "Submit" below.


© Copyright 2009 NCSAA.  All rights reserved.